Some odds and ends that I recently was able to get my grubby paws on......
THE YEAH YEAH YEAHS - COMPLETE COLLECTION - Scored this collection of everything Karen O. and the guys have committed to disc. I’ve only ever heard their studio album so this collection of b-side, singles, and live tracks was a good journey. Makes me wonder where the NEXT studio album is..... it’s been a couple years now Karen.
THE WHITE STRIPES - LIVE IN GLASTONBURY 6/24/05 (bootleg) - Was pretty excited to get ahold of this brand spanking new bootleg of a concert from just a few weeks ago. Doesn’t feature enough songs from the new album (Get Behind Me Satan), but otherwise it’s a solid show from Brother Jack and Sister Meg. “My Doorbell” sounds great live.....but did we really need THREE versions of “Passive Manipulation”? Me thinks not.......
DJANGO REINHARDT - VARIOUS ALBUMS - Have been looking for some original studio work from Django ever since the flick SWEET AND LOWDOWN. These recordings are perfect. Great sound quality (for the time) and easy going tunes.
THE EELS - 6 ALBUMS - Haven’t checked all these out yet, but the latest album (“Blinking Lights and Other Revelations”) has been one I’ve been going back to more and more lately. The song “Now You’re Really Livin’” is about as perfect as they come. Looking forward to exploring these albums soon.
THE LATE GREAT DANIEL JOHNSTON - A tribute album to Daniel. Not bad at all. Good folk tunes covered by a wide variety of fringe artists. It has Beck, Tom Waits, The Eels, and Death Cab for Cutie........not a bad lineup. Waits' version of Johnston's "King Kong" was a perfect match. The song is an odd blow-by-blow account of the story of the movie. Fun.
THE DECEMBERISTIS - PICARESQUE - Strange group. They look like refugees from a bad local Renaissance festival. Sound a bit like The Pogues. Kind of a mish mash of bluegrass, folk, punk, and Celtic.
SLEATER-KINNEY - THE WOODS - I know this band has been around for a good bit, but I’m just getting around to them. The album sounds good, but I’ve had a hard time making it past the first track. It’s a thunderous opener with the lead singer screeching “Land Ho!”. First time I’ve heard that phrase spit out in song since Jim Morrison and The Doors.
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