November 04, 2009

Jackass quote of the week...

"We've struggled, we've worked against tremendous odds, as we've all known. We prevailed because the people of Maine, the silent majority, the folks back home spoke with their vote tonight." - Marc Mutty, campaign manager for Stand for Marriage Maine

Nothing like being insanely proud of yourself for orchestrating mass discrimination. Dick.


Univarn said...

I'm really surprised he didn't throw in a God on our side route. What is it with modern politics and the need to say when they when it's the voice of the common/"real" people and when they lose it's the corruption of the media... both sides do it, it's getting on my nerves.

Lemmy Caution said...

He said it (god) without saying it. It's all over his self-righteous attitude.

Raine said...
