March 25, 2011

The End Is Near

Covered in spiders' webs, these cocooned trees in Sindh, Pakistan, are an unexpected result of floods that hit the region in 2010.

To escape from the rising waters, millions of spiders crawled up into trees. The scale of the flooding and the slow rate at which the waters receded, have left many trees completely enveloped in spiders' webs.



Debra She Who Seeks said...


Leslie Morgan said...

That freaks me out sufficiently that I need to go take a really hot bath, first carefully inspecting every nook and cranny of the bathroom.

WV=subtones. Uh-huh.

MoreCake said...

I HATE it. That's horrible. I'm with Leslie. Ew. ew ew ew ew

The Hag said...

wow. that is cool.

Kim Hambric said...

I'm feeling just a bit twitchy. But better to be up in the trees than under the covers with me.

Leslie Morgan said...

Oh, boy. I've had too much coffee this morning and a couple of the comments have made me remember something.

Ex and I lived in an area of Las Vegas that was only recently developed. The environmental impact was shameful and one of the consequences we suffered was about 90-days a year of the cricket invasion. Those rascals were approximately my size and they could chirp like thunder. Have I mentioned I was terrified of them? And they were EVERYWHERE.

We went to bed one night and the chirping nearly made me insane. They were close, I could tell, and there were lots of them. I'm not an Indian, but Ex was: "Get up and hunt them, dammit. I'm scared." He finally located them. Up in the HVAC vent in the ceiling above our bed.

Applying a screwdriver to the vent cover, Ex hunted the crickets. I lay in the bed, covers pulled so tightly over me, I created a surface with great tension like a trampoline. When the vent fully opened, the creatures dropped out onto their trampoline which was directly on top of me. I swear there were 90 pounds of crickets, which all bounced off, running in different directions. One of the creepiest experiences I've ever had, except for the grasshoppers . . .

Ricky Shambles said...

I can't stand the chunks of branches populated by webworms. This is terrifying. I'll thank you for the nightmares now.

And more from Leslie. Nice.

Ricky Shambles said...

Ignore this. Forgot to check the email follow-up because I'm so important and so busy I don't have time to check back. Right?

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

That just about kills me to think about....I gotta go sit down now.

Oh my, I don't feel so well :)


Engagement Ring said...

Amazing image, love this