"I would like to preserve what we have before it gets totally out of control, the more it becomes non-white, the more it's going to become a much different place to live, for white people especially. I would ask you about your version of racist, the word does not have a specific definition. If someone says, 'You seem to hate people who aren't white,'
I say no, so I can't really be a racist, because I don't hate them. I just don't want to live around areas that are heavily, predominantly non-white." - Republican (surprise) candidate for the New Hamshire State House
You see I don't really hate Republicans. I just don't want to live near them...
and by not living near them I mean I want them to be persecuted, removed of any position of power, and sectioned into areas in which I don't have to deal with them. I.E. Poor houses.
I'm not prejudice though. I'd just like to point that out.
*insert Cool Hand Luke line here*
I bet "some of his best friends are Jews" too.
I'm not a Racist. As long as I don't see any of those non-whites, I'm perfectly fine with them.....
Lobotomies for Republicans. It's the law.
this might be a contender for jackass quote of the year. then again, we've still got some year left.
you made this up, right?
I wish Rose, I wish.
Great blog. I'm glad I found it. I always appreciate blogs that have a point of view.
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