New banner, new blog list (hope you are in it!), and some new pictures. Thanks to everyone who drops by here and big thanks to those that drop a comment or two! Click on the Follow button if you haven't done so already.....or done so twice like some people.....

Looks good...
Watching this flick is on my to do list....might need to move it up a notch or two...!
I LOVE the new banner.
Enjoy the flick if and when you get to it. It's....uhh....very new wave, very strange, and very French.
C'est bien!!
looking good Lemmy! and the new banner is awesome.
Thanks. And thank the wonderful tool of Google image search for the banner. Shhhh....don't tell.
Lemmy, tried to add myself for a 3rd time but it was unable to handle my request. Probably due to all your fans clicking it at once. Or it plain not liking me.
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