December 01, 2009

Pointless question of the week...

How do you wake up in the morning?

For myself...

1) Cell phone alarm goes off first at about 6:50
2) Frances (kitten) jumps on my head and paws at my face
3) LOUD radio alarm (set to NPR) in next room goes off at 7:15
4) In the next 10 minuets or so....actually get up.


Unknown said...

A loud alarm and black coffee immediately. On weekends, no alarm usually but always the black coffee.

Unknown said...

wake up automatically at about 11 or 12 (pm and midnight respectively).

that's it. BUT the rest of my routine is;
put makeup on
post on my blogs
read others blogs
look for something to wear to work
drive to work
arrive at work (3:30 am)

Kimberly said...

Folgers in my cup?

Prof. Grewbeard said...

hit the snooze at 6:00, 6:09, 6:18, 6:27, 6:36, 6:45, wifey brings me breakfast, sit upright in bed with two dogs 'til 7:00 and then call in to work...

Raine said...

snooze button, snooze button, snooze button, then I remember that I can sleep on the train and then I can get up.